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A service of Pacific High School. We offer information about online driver education and home study correspondence driver ed courses that satisfy the driver education requirements for students to obtain a DMV learners permit and drivers license.
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Florida Driver Licenses

The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles issues the following classes of licenses: Class A, B, C, D, and E.

* Classes A, B, and C are for drivers of commercial motor vehicles such as large trucks and buses.
* Classes D and E are for drivers of non-commercial vehicles.

NOTE: There is a separate manual entitled Commercial Driver License Manual for Truck and Bus Drivers. This manual is available at any driver license office. If you wish to drive a commercial motor vehicle as defined below, you must be properly tested and licensed to do so.
Who Needs One?

If you live in Florida and want to drive a motor vehicle on public streets and highways, you are required to have a State of Florida Driver License.

If you move to Florida and have a valid license from another state, you must get a Florida license within 30 days of becoming a resident. You are considered a resident of Florida if you:

* enroll your children in public school, or
* register to vote, or
* file for a homestead exemption, or
* accept employment, or
* reside in Florida for more than six consecutive months.

Who Does Not Need a Drivers License?

The following persons may drive in Florida without having a Florida driver license if they have a valid license from another state or country:

* Any non-resident who is at least 16 years old.
* Persons employed by the United States Government driving a United States Government motor vehicle on official business.
* Any non-resident working for a firm on a contract for the United States Government. (This exemption is only for 60 days.)
* Any non-resident attending college in Florida.
* Persons who drive only vehicles like farm tractors or road machines temporarily on the highway may drive without a license.
* A licensed driver who lives in another state and travels regularly between his home and work in Florida.
* Non-resident migrant farm workers even though they are employed or place children in the public schools, providing they have a valid license from their home state.
* Members of the Armed Forces stationed in Florida and their dependents, with these exceptions:
1. Service member or spouse claims homestead exemption (All drivers in family must obtain Florida licenses),
2. Service member becomes employed (All drivers in family must obtain Florida licenses),
3. Spouse becomes employed (Spouse and children who drive must obtain Florida licenses),
4. Child becomes employed (Only employed child who drives must obtain Florida license).

Learner's Driver License

A person who holds a Learner's License must be accompanied by a licensed driver, 21 years of age or older, who occupies the front passenger seat closest to the right of the driver.

Drivers can only drive during daylight hours for the first three months from the original issue date when accompanied by a licensed driver, 21 years or older who occupies the front passenger seat.
After the first three months, drivers may operate a vehicle from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. with a licensed driver, 21 years or older in the front passenger seat.

NOTE: Drivers with a Learner's License are ineligible for a motorcycle endorsement.


* Be at least 15 years old.
* Pass vision, road signs and road rules tests.
* Have the signature of one parent (or guardian) on the consent form if under age 18.
* Completion of Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Course.
* Two forms of identification (see Identifying Yourself.)
* Social Security Number.
* Must be in compliance with school attendance.

The 2000 Florida Legislature amended section 322.05, Florida Statutes, changing the requirements to obtain a Class E license for a driver under the age of 18 holding a learner's license. The following requirements must be met in order to obtain a regular Class E license if a learner's license is issued on or after October 1, 2000:

* Must hold a Learner's License for at least 12 months or until the 18th birthday.
* Must have NO convictions 12 months from the issue date of the learner's license.
* May have one traffic conviction within 12 months from the issue date of the learner's license if adjudication is withheld.
* A parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult over 21 years old must certify that the driver has 50 hours driving experience, including 10 hours of night time driving.

Parent's Consent for Minors

If you are under 18 and are not married, your license application must be signed by one parent or legal guardian. STEP-PARENTS MAY NOT SIGN FOR YOU UNLESS THEY HAVE LEGALLY ADOPTED YOU.
The application must be signed in front of the examiner or a notary public. Whoever signs your application agrees to take responsibility with you for your driving. If the signer decides not to accept responsibility for your driving, your license will be canceled. To cancel the license, the signer must write a letter to the department requesting to withdraw their consent for the minor driver. I include the complete name, date of birth and driver license number of the minor driver in the letter.

Identifying Yourself

State law requires identification, proof of date of birth and social security number from all customers before a driver license or identification card can be issued. Each applicant for an original (first time) driver license or identification card MUST present one of the following as his or her primary identification document:


1. United States birth certificate, including U.S. territories and District of Columbia. (Original or Certified Copy).
2. Valid United States passport (not expired).
3. Alien Registration receipt card (not expired).
4. Employment authorization card issued by the United States Department of Justice (not expired).
5. Proof of non-immigrant classification provided by United States Department of Justice (Form I94 not expired or Certificate of Naturalization)(not expired).

In addition, a secondary identification document is required and may include, but is not limited to, the original or certified copy of one of the following:


1. School record stating date of birth, which must contain the registrar’s signature.
2. Transcript of the birth record filed with a public officer charged with the duty of recording certificates.
3. Baptism certificate, which shows date of birth and the place of baptism.
4. Family bible record or birth announcement in a baby book.
5. An insurance policy on the customers life which has been in force for at least two years and which has the month, day and year of birth.
6. A military or military dependent identification card.
7. Florida or another state driver license, valid or expired (may also serve as a primary item).
8. Florida license record or identification card record.
9. Selective Service Registration (Draft Card).
10. Florida Vehicle Registration certificate (HSMV 83399, owner’s copy) obtained from the tax collector’s office where the customer’s vehicle was registered, Florida, or out-of-state registration certificate, if name and date of birth are shown.
11. Florida and out of state, non-driver identification cards (may also serve as a primary item).
12. Receipt copy of your last Florida driver license issuance.
13. Immigration form I-571.
14. Federal form DD-214 (military record).
15. Marriage certificate.
16. Court order, which includes legal name.
17. A Florida voter registration card which was issued at least three months previously.
18. Personal identification by an examiner or by a person well known to the examiner.
19. Social Security Card.
20. Parent Consent Form (HSMV 71022).
21. Out-of-country driver license or identification car, government issued.

If you have legally changed your name by marriage or court order, you must submit the original or a certified copy of your marriage certificate or court order.

No photocopies will be accepted unless certified by the issuing authority.

NOTE: A secondary identification from the above list is required. The Social Security Number (if issued) MUST be included on the application for a driver's license or identification card.

Traffic Law and Substance Abuse

If you have never been issued a license in any jurisdiction (state or country), you are required to complete a traffic law and substance abuse education course before you will be issued a license.
Consult your local phone directory for locations in your area.

Florida Driving Schools:

Florida Driving Schools

Florida Driving Schools

Florida Traffic Schools:

Florida Traffic Schools

Traffic Schools Florida

Florida Driver Education

Driver education courses can help you develop the skills you need to be a safe driver. You can obtain more information by referring to your local telephone directory under Driving Instruction or Traffic Schools.

Driver Education Testing

Many Driver Education teachers assist the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) in licensing new drivers. Students who satisfactorily complete the DHSMV-approved Driver Education Licensing Assistance Program (DELAP) courses in participating public or private schools may receive DHSMV waiver certificates from their driver education teacher. These certificates, when presented to the local driver license office, will be used to replace the DHSMV written and/or driving tests for issuance of a learner's driver license or Class E license. DHSMV may, however, test any student on a random basis before issuing a driver license. The waiver certificates are valid for one year from the original date of issuance.

Physical and Mental Requirements

You must list any physical or mental problems on your license application which might affect your driving. Many of the physical problems can be handled by placing restrictions on your license. If you have epilepsy, fainting spells, dizziness, blackouts or any other medical condition that could impair your driving, you may be asked to have your doctor complete a medical report form. These forms may be requested through your local driver licenses office and will be mailed directly to you. The report must be completed by your doctor and submitted to the Department before a license can be issued.

If you are diabetic, and use insulin, you may request that it be indicated on your license.
Test Requirements*

Person applying for original Florida licenses will be required to take the following tests:

1. Learner's Driver License - vision, hearing, road signs, and Class E road rules.
2. Class E license - vision, hearing, road signs, Class E road rules and driving test.
3. Class D license - vision, hearing, road signs, Class D road rules and driving test (driving test not required if applicant holds valid Florida Class E operator's license).

NOTE: Persons holding valid licenses from other states, U.S. possessions, France, or Canada are only required to take a vision test unless their driving ability is questionable. Persons holding a license from Germany and Taiwan are required to take the vision, hearing and written exam unless their driving ability is questionable.

4. Motorcycle endorsement - In addition to the above tests, applicants requesting motorcycle endorsements must pass the written motorcycle knowledge test and on-cycle skill test (unless they have a motorcycle endorsement on their out-of-state license.) See Florida Motorcycle Handbook for motorcycle information.
5. Commercial driver licenses - see Florida Manual for Truck and Bus Drivers for required exams.

*All vehicles used for driving or on-cycle skill tests will be inspected by the examiner.
Purpose of Driver License Examination

The purpose of the license examination is to find out several things:

1. Can you read and understand road signs, traffic signals and highway markings?
2. Do you know the Florida driving rules?
3. Can you see well enough to drive safely?
4. Do you have the skill and experience to drive safely?
5. Do you have any physical or mental handicaps that would affect your driving?

Driver License Examination Info

Vision test - standard vision screening.

Lenses or Glasses:

* You will be restricted to wearing corrective lenses when you drive if you need to wear contact lenses or glasses to pass the test.
* Telescopic lenses - you will not be eligible for a driver's license if you wear glasses with telescopic lenses.

Your driving privilege will be revoked if you are unable to meet the rules of vision standards. To pass you must meet the following vision standards with or without corrective lenses:

* Have 20/40 (or better) vision in each and both eyes. With or without corrective lenses.
* If you have 20/200 (or worse) vision in one eye, you must have 20/40 (or better) vision in the other eye. With or without corrective lenses.
* If you have 20/70 (or better) vision in either eye separately, or in both eyes together. The worst eye must have a vision screening better than 20/200. With or without corrective lenses. Referral to an eye doctor may be required.

Road sign test: - Multiple choice test which consists of 20 road signs for you to identify by color, shape or meaning.
Road rules test: - Multiple choice test which consists of 20 questions regarding Florida traffic laws.
Vehicle inspection: - Your vehicle will be inspected to determine it is safe for a road test.

Driving test:

* You must provide the vehicle for the driving test.
* Proof of personal injury protection insurance and valid vehicle registration must be provided on the vehicle for the driving test.
* If you do not have a valid license you must be accompanied by a licensed driver.
* Persons with a learner's license you must be at least 16 years of age and have held the learner's license for 12 months.
* No one may accompany you and the examiner(s) during the driving test.

You will be expected to perform the following maneuvers on the driving test:

* turn about - Turn your car around in a 30' to 40' space
* shift gears - Change gears smoothly and correctly (if your car has a manual shift transmission).
* approach of crossing - Get in the proper lane and look in each direction. Change gears smoothly and correctly (if your car has a manual shift transmission).
* observe right-of-way - Allow pedestrians to cross, pull over and stop for emergency vehicles and do not enter an intersection when you will interfere with other traffic.
* straight-in parking - Park your vehicle inside the parking space straight-in. When properly parked, the vehicle should be centered, inside the space with no part of the vehicle extending out in the traffic lane. This maneuver gives the examiner the opportunity to observe your ability to:
a) handle the vehicle in close quarters
b) judge distance
c) maintain control of the vehicle as you turn into a straight-in parking space
* stop quickly - Drive at 20 miles per hour and make a quick, safe stop when the examiner instructs you.
* backing - Back for a distance of 50 feet at a slow speed. Do not use the rear-view mirror when backing. Look to the rear instead.
* obey stop signs - Give the proper signal if turning, approach in the proper lane, come to a complete stop before reaching the pedestrian crosswalk or stop line, and remain stopped until you can move safely without interfering with cross traffic.
* obey traffic signals - Get into the proper lane and approach the light at a speed that will allow you to stop if the light should change. When you must stop, stop before the pedestrian crosswalk or stop line. When the light turns green, do not move forward until the other traffic has cleared the intersection. Give the correct signal for stopping and turning. Watch for "no turn"and "one way" signs.
* signal and turn - Get into the proper lane and signal your turn for the last 100 feet. You may use either hand signals or mechanical signals. Slow before reaching the crosswalk and turn into the proper lane.
* passing - Always look ahead and behind to make sure you can pass safely. Pass on the left, unless the car ahead is about to make a left turn or is in the left turn lane on a street with more than one lane in each direction. Do not pass on the shoulder (side of the road).
* stay in proper lane - Drive in the right lane except on a one-way street. Do not change lanes until you may do so safely.
* follow at a safe distance - Do not drive too closely behind other cars. Use the Two Second Rule
* use proper posture - Keep both hands on the steering wheel and do not rest your elbow in the window.

The examiner will explain any mistakes you may have made, after the test is completed. If you disqualify on the driving test you will be asked to study or practice before you return for another test. You will be asked to return another day for additional tests due to the volume of driving tests, which are conducted at each driver license location. If you pass the examination, the examiner will collect the fee and issue your license. If you surrender a valid learner's license, you are not charged additional fees for the replacement Class E license when you pass the driving test.


Appointments are recommended, but not required for many of the services provided by the driver license offices. Contact your local driver license office to determine if an appointment is required for the service you need. Call in advance for your appointment and report at least five minutes before your scheduled time. You may still appear at the driver license office without an appointment, however, the fastest service is provided through the use of appointments.

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Jacksonville, Florida
Daytona Beach, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Panama City, Florida
Pensacola, Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Melbourne, Florida
Hialeah, Florida
Hollywood, Florida
Homestead, Florida
Opa Locka, Florida
Pompano Beach, Florida
Miami, Florida
Miami Beach, Florida
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
West Palm Beach, Florida
Boynton Beach, Florida
Boca Raton, Florida
Delray Beach, Florida
Lake Worth, Florida
Tampa, Florida
Saint Petersburg, Florida
Clearwater, Florida
Largo, Florida
Lakeland, Florida
Fort Myers, Florida
Cape Coral, Florida
Naples, Florida
Bradenton, Florida
Sarasota, Florida
Ocala, Florida
Kissimmee, Florida
Port Saint Lucie, Florida


Our Driver Education Course is Accepted by the California DMV

View Our California DMV Verification Letter

Sample DMV Driver Education Certificate of Completion

California Highway Patrol

"Cal-Driver-Ed is a pioneer in the field of online driver education. Over 80,000 California teenagers have taken their courses and are driving today."

"I recommend Cal-Driver-Ed for home study driver education."

The following quotes are excerpts from a California DMV Study on the Effectiveness of Home-Study Driver Education (PDF) dated April 2003:

"Home-study students performed just as well or better than classroom students ... "

"Home-study courses may also have the additional benefit of increasing parental involvement in their teen's learning process, which has been shown to be an important factor ..."

Already Have Your License?
Looking for a Traffic School?

Traffic School Online

Traffic school will help keep your auto insurance costs lower if you receive a traffic ticket.

Every licensed California Driver must have auto insurance to drive a vehicle in California. Proof of insurance must be provided to the California DMV when you obtain your drivers license (not your learners permit).

Proof of auto insurance must also be provided to DMV when you register or renew the license on a vehicle you own.


Cal Driver Ed is proud
to be a member in good
standing of the
Better Business Bureau
of NE California.

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