Driver training is the "behind the wheel" instruction portion of learning to drive. California requires a minimum of six hours of driving lessons with a DMV licensed instructor.
Once taught by the public high schools, budget cuts have eliminated free driver training classes in California. Almost every teen attends a local driving school.
Before you can get your learners permit, you must obtain a Certificate of Completion from the school where you take driver education.
You must also obtain a Certificate of Enrollment from the local driving school that you plan to attend.
These two certificates along with a fee of $24.00 and your birth certificate must be presented to your local DMV office to allow you to take the written DMV drivers license exam. When you pass the DMV exam you are issued a California Lerners Permit.
Your new Learners Permit will not be valid until after you complete your first driver training lesson and the instructor signs your permit.
Choosing a Local Driving School
Professional driving schools and instructors in California are licensed by the DMV after meeting rigid qualifying standards. Schools must carry liability insurance, be bonded, and maintain complete records for DMV inspection.
Cars are subject to inspection every six months. Instructors must pass a qualifying examination, both written and driving, every four years, or show proof of continuing education in the traffic safety field. If you use the services of a professional driving school, ask to see the instructor’s identification card.