
California's Home Study Driver Education Class

A service of Pacific High School. This home study correspondence course satisfies the California Vehicle Code driver education requirements for students to obtain a DMV learners permit and drivers license. Designed for high school freshmen and sophomores in Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Orange, San Diego, Riverside and all other areas of California.

Meets the California DMV requirements for students under 18
to get a Learners Permit and a Drivers License
dmv Driver ed online: no classrooms: home study

Originally $99.95
Online Course Now Only $9.75
with internet discount
(including DMV Certificate)

Online Course $9.75
WorkBook by Mail $28.95
MultiMedia Combo
Our Online Course plus two DVD's to study at home
Only $58.95  

We are one of the oldest and largest online drivers education schools. We can offer low prices due to our advanced internet technology and the volume of students that take our course each month. Sign up for our online drivers ed course and begin immediately.


Pacific High School
5777 Madison Avenue, Suite 810
Sacramento, CA 95841
(916) 338-3900
FAX (916) 338-0700

Request a Duplicate Certificate of Completion

Cal-Driver-Ed is operated by Pacific High School
a private high school operating under
the California Education Code and registered
with the California Superintendent of Public Instruction.
We offer a quality high school education to
all Californians regardless of race, color or creed.
While taking classes through Cal-Driver-Ed,
The student will be concurrently enrolled in
Pacific High School and their local high school.

A high school student spends over 30 hours each week in a classroom.

The State of California requires you to spend 30 hours studying Driver Education before you can obtain a Learners Permit.

Do you really want to spend an extra 30 hours in a classroom on nights or weekends or have to wait until your school finally offers Driver Ed?

Our drivers education courses let you study at home at your own pace, on your schedule, any time of the day or night.

We offer an online course that you can complete on your home computer. The computer scores your exams and your DMV Certificate of Completion will be mailed out the next business day. The system is designed to work well with PC's and Mac's and with any internet connection speed. No special plug-ins are needed.

We also offer a workbook course. Many students choose it if they have limited computer time at home or a very slow dial up connection. The study materials are mailed to you by Priority Mail. You can complete our course as quickly as you can read the class materials and fill out the worksheets. Your parent or guardian can supervise you while you take the final test. Most students pass the exam the first time. We want you to pass! We will correct your final exam and review your worksheets within one business day of receiving your completed materials. Your DMV Certificate of Completion will be mailed out the same day at no additional cost.

Our new MultiMedia Combo includes both our DMV accepted Online Driver's Ed Course plus "The Rules of The Road" a two DVD course that is yours to keep. The DVD's will be mailed to you along with your DMV Certificate of Completion as soon as you finish the online course.

You may also register by mail and send us a check.

After you complete our course (or any other driver education course) you will have to pass the DMV written exam at your local DMV office to obtain your learners permit. We want you to pass! We do everything we can to prepare you for the DMV exam.

We are a year around private high school located in Sacramento and are open Monday through Friday all year long (except for major holidays). You can begin studying immediately.

We have had students from every major high school in California enroll in our course because we can offer it today while your local high school may make you wait until next semester.

Note to Parents: We encourage you to take an active part in your child's drivers ed course. Talk about driving laws, traffic signs and traffic safety while they are riding in the car with you. Give them real world examples of what they are reading about. Check over their worksheets and point out any mistakes. The more they learn now, the safer they will be when they start driving.

We truly believe that driver education is the most important class your child will ever take. You can make a difference in what they learn and how well they learn it. The the experts will tell you that the biggest advantage of home study driver education is that you can be involved and help them learn. It will also help when they take get their learners permit and take driver training.

Table of Contents

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Our Driver Education Course is Accepted by the California DMV

View Our California DMV Verification Letter

Sample DMV Driver Education Certificate of Completion

California Highway Patrol

"Cal-Driver-Ed is a pioneer in the field of online driver education. Over 80,000 California teenagers have taken their courses and are driving today."

"I recommend Cal-Driver-Ed for home study driver education."

The following quotes are excerpts from a California DMV Study on the Effectiveness of Home-Study Driver Education (PDF) dated April 2003:

"Home-study students performed just as well or better than classroom students ... "

"Home-study courses may also have the additional benefit of increasing parental involvement in their teen's learning process, which has been shown to be an important factor ..."

Cal Driver Ed is proud
to be a member in good
standing of the
Better Business Bureau
of NE California.

Better Business Bureau Member


Driver Training


Traffic School

Already Have Your License?
Looking for a Traffic School?

Traffic School Online

Traffic school will help keep your auto insurance costs lower if you receive a traffic ticket.

Every licensed California Driver must have auto insurance to drive a vehicle in California. Proof of insurance must be provided to the California DMV when you obtain your drivers license (not your learners permit).

Proof of auto insurance must also be provided to DMV when you register or renew the license on a vehicle you own.

Driver Education

California DMV

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Pacific High School Inc.
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